Mada Woodlands © 2008. Any questions regarding use of content, please feel free to contact Mada Woodlands

About Mada Woodlands
Facts about Madagascar
New school in Malakialina - cooperation between MWL and Grieg Foundation

Last year we highlighted the extremely poor and potentially dangerous condition of the primary school in one of our areas of operation - Malakialina in the north of Madagascar. You can read about our site survey here: Malakialina School. Keywords for the school are 600 children spread among five classes, amongst these one consisting of no less than 227 students. The classrooms are of normal Norwegian size (average of 25 pupils), which means a tenfold number of pupils compared to a Norwegian class. It is obviously cramped, and the learning outcome is hardly the best. More important, however, is the safety of students and teachers. Decayed, half broken pillars threaten to brutally dismantle the building anytime.

After last year´s site inspection, we therefore decided to plan and fund a new and safe school building for the many children in the district. This effort is part of our long-term strategy, where one key element is that doing sustainable, successful business and developing local communities is closely linked.

Grieg Foundation in Bergen recently contributed with full funding of this project. This means that we can initiate the detailed planning and construction shortly.  You can follow the progress here on our project pages as the project progresses.

Finally a few motives of the old school and some smiling faces that can soon be even happier. We also thank Grieg Foundation for their generous contributions.